The best thing I ever did was working with Oren.
After one session, we got to the core of an issue I had been dealing with for YEARS. I am so grateful to Oren.
Working with him is like having 10 therapy sessions in 1 After working with Oren just a few times, I began to understand myself so much more and felt more connected to myself.
Oren is beyond brilliant and I truly believe that his method will become a staple in psychology. If you are ready for deep inner work and to change your life in profound powerful ways, you must work with him. I am forever grateful that I did.
— R.W: Over empathy and stress
Oren and his methodology are truly transformational. As a fairly optimistic and happy-go-lucky person, I thought my situation was permanent. I had tried other methods but they only seemed to push me further into pain and trauma.
Even after my first consultation with Oren, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders.
I cannot stress enough how effective and his magical methodology feels once you complete each session! And it’s long-lasting too!
— A.B: Self-confidence and relationship issues

It was an amazing experience from the beginning all the way to today, after finishing the process. I worked on emotionally broken parts that I never dared to work on before. I broke through my emotional blockages.
All through Oren and his methodology. He took me, step by step to find and learn what is the core issue, how to change it, and implement it in my day to day life. I can’t thank him enough!
— A.S: Lack of self confidence and anger management

Working with Oren was the epitome of working smart and not hard; getting the results one would expect after years of intensive treatment. Oren’s targeted approach is multi-pronged but at the core is about one thing - cutting away the b.s to uncover the gem of your soul; unfettered by a lifetime of education.
In just a few sessions I learned physically and permanently what I had read about from the great masters. It’s one thing to “know” that you should love yourself, that pain is there to teach you and should be embraced. As opposed to some talk therapy routes wherein you just chat, I have a detailed Google doc outlining the tangles and triumphs of my patterns as a human being that I can always reference back to.
As a person, Oren is a true friend and humble teacher who I feel no judgment from but still has standards and isn’t there to promote fluff. He has checked in and challenged me in between sessions and even after - because his work is not about a paycheck. I highly recommend clearing out your life and getting in contact with him on every level.
Take a step and you will find it becomes a leap!
— S.K: Negative self talk, relationship issues, addictions

I had a major change in my life after just a handful of sessions, I tried a lot of other methodologies and all got stuck in the same blockage, Oren and his method bypassed all and brought the change I was looking for.
— Y.L: PTSD from military service

A very effective way to tap into hidden emotions. It helps to see habitual patterns created by fear or past traumas and face them, thus help to release them. It makes you feel stronger, being true to oneself enjoyable and gives a sense of release and feeling of lightness. Makes you feel grounded once you receive all you had and now have inside
— A.J : Self judgemnt and emotional eating

This was a deep dive into understanding myself better. Oren was a great guide and helped me to understand the root of my issues, bringing them to light brought about quick changes for me.
— L.S: Lack of Self-confidence, Emotional blockages, Relationship issues

Oren’s method is the most effective and efficient form of therapy I can remember experiencing. From the moment I connected with Oren, I felt held. From that space, I was able to share with him my present challenges and he helped me to see how they were all stemming from the same subconscious block. He held my hand through the entire process of tearing down this block and in re-building new thought patterns. He was open, supportive, authentic, honest, & professional. I saw a real change in my life between every session that could be tied back to what we had worked through. If you need support working through confidence blocks, money blocks, relationship issues, self-trust, and Oren’s other specialties, you will undoubtedly benefit from working with him. I have already recommended him to a number of my friends.
— R.F: Indecisiveness, Over giving, Lack of Self-confidence, Relationship issues

Oren’s very unique subconscious reprogramming technique is like no other. From the very first session you can see, hear and feel the difference.
It provides you with tools to use daily to improve your life forever.
I highly recommend him.
— C.S: Anger issues, Relationship issues, lack of Self-confidence

I lost my baby just before meeting Oren, and I was looking for any way to ease my pain and find meaning from this experience. Although Oren’s method isn’t focused on grief, it helped me identify some patterns, connect better with myself and overcome the trauma through awareness and acceptance.
— E.C: Self-judgment, Over giving, Emotional blockages

Oren’s method helped me identify patterns of behavior that are not connected to my inner self but are more the consequences of emotional wounds. Being able to work on them helped me be my true self and perceiving my own wishes better, the starting point to live more fully.
— C.G: Emotional blockages, Self-judgment

Extremely helpful for managing difficult events in your life. Helps focus on your current thoughts and set future goals for yourself instead of dwelling on the past.
— B.E: Lack of trust in others, Relationship issues, Stress & anxiety