My name is Oren Meron, I am a certified Emotional Intelligence Coach,
certified and trained in multiple subconscious techniques and methods. My specialty is Emotional Blockage and patterns.
I help people from around the world to break free from emotional blocks, enabling them to truly be themselves, and reprogram their mind to finally live the life they want and deserve.
Throughout our lives, we develop behaviors, habits, and patterns that not only don't benefit us, they may even block us from our true potential.
Many people know very well what are their blocks in life. You know how you wish to react but you are blocked. These blocks can show up as anxiety, stress, insecurity, fear of failure, etc.

Any emotion that paralyzes us without any logical explanation and does not allow us to reach our goals, can feel like you are stuck in an emotional loop that you don’t see how to break free from.

What I offer is a one of a kind methodology to help you understand your emotional pattern, how and when the emotional pattern takes over. Together we will Understand your emotional loop, what motivates it, gain control over it, and how to finally break out of it. Enabling you to move on from the obstacles, and receive significant growth and inner alignment. To finally be free to be yourself truly and live the life you deserve.

Read more about My story here

Working with Oren has been life-changing.
It felt like ten therapy sessions in one.
I have felt a deeper connection to myself after a few sessions.
— R.W: Over empathy and stress
Even after my first consultation with Oren, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I cannot stress enough how effective and magical It feels once you complete each session! And it’s long-lasting too!
— A.B: Self-confidence and relationship issues

Working with Oren was the epitome of working smart and not hard, getting the results one would expect after years of intensive treatment. Oren’s targeted approach at the core is about one thing, uncover the gem of your soul.
As a person, Oren is a true humble teacher, I highly recommend clearing out your life and getting in contact with him on every level.
— Quote S.K: Negative self talk, relationship issues, addictionsSource
It was an amazing experience from the beginning all the way to today, after finishing the process. I worked on emotionally broken parts that I never dared to work on before. I broke through my emotional blockages.
All through Oren and his methodology.
I can’t thank him enough!
— A.S: Lack of self confidence and anger management





  • Unlike traditional talk therapy, we will not be focusing on memories, traumas, or on the past. The focus is on the emotional state itself. Focusing on your emotional programming in the present and not on what created it. This enables us to address the deep-rooted issue, and clear it from the core.

  • You know yourself the best, and what is right for you.
    yet sometimes people need guidance to better understand their emotions. From deeper emotional clarity we will create alignment between your thoughts and your emotions.

  • Through the use of accessing subconscious healing techniques, we can better understand the emotional state itself, and what I call the ‘emotional software’ that dictates your emotional behavior.
    Then we can pinpoint what is not in place emotionally, and restore it to its natural state.

  • Life happens in between the sessions, that is why in order to enable you to react and behave as you wish,

    you will learn practical tools for navigating your day to day, to better control your emotional state.

  • Together, we will assist you in gaining back your power, inner harmony, and balance within yourself.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many sessions does it take to see results?

    Usually, within the second session, you will be able to see significant results

  2. How many sessions does the process take?

    Usually 6-8 sessions, over a span of two months

  3. What if I want to work on multiple issues?

    By finding the core pattern that creates those different issues, and working on that core pattern, multiple issues are resolved all at once.

  4. What if I am not sure what is the issue or my wanted outcome?

    Part of the process is defining what it is that is bothering you, and assisting you in defining your desired outcome. This gains you clarity which is key for transformational work to be done.